New Information Technology Trends arise within this industry every year and it is important that professionals understand these changes, as well as all of their implications. Having a good knowledge of them can enhance your professional capacity regardless of whether you work in this field or not, and help one to figure out what future improvements might be for the industry that you’re already working in.
Why Information Technology Trends Popular?
1. Cloud Computing
One of the biggest trends that have emerged during the past year is that of cloud computing. More and more industries are realizing that it is important for a company to have a designated place for all of their digital Information Technology Trends and resources, and having a well-protected place that can take care of everything and keep the information safe has almost become a necessity. Cloud Computing is the go-to solution for brands who want to improve their work and make it more efficient in a digital space.
2. Mobile Apps
It have only grown in popularity over the past few years, and this year, they are surfacing in bigger and better ways. Brands and industries all over the world are trying to find ways in which one can improve their work through the use of mobile apps and through the implementation of new resources that can make working on the go more efficient.
3. Big Data Analytics
Big data analytics is a trend that has grown over the past few years, and this is something that is now being implement in almost every kind of industry.that makes use of large-scale production processes and manufacturing and allows brands to process their information in a better manner and enables them to reach a much better understanding of the areas they need to develop.
4. Automation
It is one trend that has largely hit the manufacturing and production units and is something that is estimate to only grow more in the coming years. Auto mation has also enabled processes to work at a faster pace and enables companies to reach their goals in a much more efficient manner.
5. Artificial Intelligence
While automation is growing, artificial intelligence is now starting to see the light of day. The past year saw the introduction of several new mediums of artificial intelligence. This year, industries are looking at ways in which they can grow these resources and implement the work they do. Artificial intelligence is now starting to see implementation on a larger scale which is only set to grow more over the coming years.
6. Smart Technology
Smart machines that use artificial intelligence or automation are on the rise, even in small-scale units and smaller implementations. Homes are now becoming smarter as a result of smart technology being used and opted for in homes. Simple tools such as Alexa have become an essential part of homes, and these are only estimate to increase over the next year.
7. Virtual Reality
The gaming industry has always been one that has experienced growth alongside the field of information technology trends, and virtual reality has taken this one step further, giving customers the very epitome of digital experience. Virtual reality gaming has already started to become popular due to new technology, which improves the manner in which the industry can grow.
8. Augmented Reality
Augmented Realty is another approach to ‘artificial experiences’ that individuals are now being given access to. This has improved the manner in which the field has been able to develop. Augmented reality is seeing a lot more applicability outside the gaming industry as well and is something that is seeing more implementation as compared to virtual reality.
9. Blockchain Data
Cryptocurrency might have been at an all-time high in 2017 and 2018, but the fact remains that this is something that is yet to see a significant amount of development. Blockchain technology is only now starting to grow in popularity and is being implemented by industries across the world for all that it offers.
10. Cyber Security
With the growth of digital mediums and technology, the potential threats that people can face are only rising. Because of this, cybersecurity has had to grow extensively over the past few years, simply to stay in touch with the growth that is being experienced. Industries all over the world also realize the importance of investing in cybersecurity, which is why the field is experiencing growth at such a rapid pace.
11. Growth of IoT Networks
The Internet Of Things is a concept that all digital devices are connected by a single medium through which one would be able to control everything within their homes. More and more brands realize that this is indeed the way of the future and is something that is within technological reach. More brands are beginning to incorporate this concept, and the statistics that showcase this are prevalent enough to attest to positive growth in this regard.
12. Predictive Analytics Implementations
Predictive Analytics is the process of analyzing large volumes of data to be able to come to a conclusion regarding the possible outcomes that a situation might have. Market analysts see this as an incredibly valuable tool for brands to note whether they should be moving in a particular direction or not. This has proven to be an incredibly efficient method of analysis and saves the industry an incredible amount of money in the process.
13. Cloud Migration
Cloud migration has proven to be incredibly beneficial for businesses that want to move in a digital direction and who want to maintain better records of their digital data. it is something that has grown over the past few years, and the statistics of this showcase positive results in this regard. More than 74% of CFOs state that cloud migration was one of the most beneficial things for the growth of their businesses.
14. Rise Of Data Officers
With the growing importance of information technology trends and data analytics, data officers have become even more important in institutions and industries all over the world. The number of positions open within this is plenty and is growing as more and more businesses are in need of someone proficient in this.
15. Quantum Computing Applications
Quantum Computing is a process of conducting complex equations and processes to perform several complex tasks or process large volumes of information with absolute ease. This has proven to be incredibly beneficial for a variety of different industries, which is why it is seeing a massive amount of growth.
16. Smart Technology
Homes are now becoming smarter thanks to the numerous integrated devices that work to make our lives easier. Things like Alexa and other supplementary resources have proven to be incredibly beneficial in this regard and make homes significantly more efficient and safer in the process.
17. Open Source Solutions
Open Source programs give users access to some of the main files and frameworks in a particular program, enabling them to modify it with absolute ease. As more and more users become technologically proficient, giving them the option to work with applications themselves is proving to be incredibly beneficial.
18. Edge Computing
It is one phenomenon that has grown over the past few years and is seeing a wide scale of implementation currently. Edge computing is when large volumes of data are processed near the edge of the network rather than where the data is mainly being generated. This is meant to make this processing more efficient and optimized. More development mediums are choosing to go in for this form of computing over traditional types because of its efficiency. This also attests to the fact that more methods of computing and program generation are on the rise.
19. Rise Of Chatbots
While most tech advancements help us move towards the greater good, some aren’t as beneficial as we might think. In 2019, the number of chatbots that were being used was far more than what we expected. Chatbots aren’t, however, always bad because, in some situations, they have improved the customer service that we have access to. Chatbots are a program to respond to certain queries in certain ways and are design to help customers with some of the more basic functions that they would need. These are, of course, still not in a position wherein they are a complete substitute for real live customer service, which is what has helped them still stay in development.